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Leslie Vine

Revised Handicaps

Looking at the GHOFAT results for the last 17 years, it seems that the "oldies" ( founder members who now are not playing regular golf) have not featured in the prizes and are being out played by the more recent young "bucks" and carrying off all the trophies and booze.So,

to even up the playing field a little, we are adjusting the handicaps of a few cherished members as follows. These guys have not missed a single years GHOFAT meeting over the 17 years and have loyally traversed the Country, North to South, East to West and given GHOFAT 100% support, so they have in all fairness well and truly earned this little recognition.

The revised handicaps are.....

Fred Wall....................34

Len Gore......................34

Hugh Evans.................36

This is in line with the revised rules.


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