GHOFAT 2023 - Requests.
Our esteemed leader has penned an email and commentary on the website - here An early email response to Les would be gratefully received...
GHOFAT 2023 - Requests.
White Smoke in Long Bennington (Les's SL250 blows a gasket)
Annual Tournament 2022
That was it?
Citroen 2CV Charleston
We're On for lift off!
It's De Vere Staverton Estate - August 24-25
2021 - GHOFAT
Virus 1 - GHOFAT 0
White Smoke seen over Head Honcho
2020 Possibility - Bank House Hotel
Another Vine Topper
Stardate 080819 - In Orbit, Staverton
The Countdown Begins....
Board Meeting
It's Deposit Time!
Confused - You Soon Will Be!