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Meon Valley 2016

Meon Valley proved to be a popular choice for the majority of our crowd, although a lengthy drive for those of us north of Watford. With members as far apart as Carlisle and Poole it is always a challenge to select a venue that pleases all the people all the time, so, some of the people some of the time must be the aim each year and so far there have been few major conflicts.

Being a Marriott Hotel the accommodation and catering were as we would have expected from this Hotel Group, and as far as value for money is concerned we were not disappointed. The golf course proved an interesting challenge, and the scores posted suggested that the golf course itself was the eventual winner!

Our numbers were reduced to seventeen due to a last minute cancellation,which meant that the total number of guests was one! Henry Knight being the only guest this year managed, by dint of superb golf on both days to pick up two guest prizes( he does like a challenge!)  The rest of the prizes on offer were fairly evenly distributed amongst the rest of the gang, with the main trophies being allocated as shown in the results below.

Thanks again to Steve Hudson for his efforts in making some sense out of all the score cards and producing a list of winners and runner ups to allow us to award the Trophies to the right players. As we all understand, and to keep things fair, one player is only able to win ONE major Trophy each year. 

Should a player win more than one Trophy, then he will be awarded the greater of the two.

To clarify the Trophy positions these are the awards and the meaning behind them.

TOP TROPHY.......................GHOFAT TROPHY  (original award on the formation of GHOFAT)

SECOND TROPHY...............BERNADEUTZ TROPHY   ( in memory of Bernard Phillpot)                            

THIRD TROPHY...................LENSHA TROPHY ( Lens secret holes award, just ask!)                           

FOURTH TROPHY...............TOSFAC TROPHY ( to give the over 75's a chance to win something)  



Nearest the pin hole 7........................................................Sunday.................Steve Hudson

                                                                                           Monday.................Bill Dearnley

Nearest the pin hole 12......................................................Sunday..................Ray Woodcock

                                                                                           Monday.................John Billot

Best drive...........................................................................Sunday..................Bill Dearnley

                                                                                           Monday.................Les Vine

Best guest score................................................................Sunday..................Henry Knight

                                                                                           Monday.................Henry Knight  ( 39 points!!!)

TOSFAC TROPHY.............................................................Winner...................Les vine

                                                                                           Second..................Hugh Evans

                                                                                           Third......................Tony Donnelly

LENSHA TROPHY............................................................Winner....................Alan Booth

                                                                                          Second...................Bob Blake

                                                                                          Third.......................Tony Slipper

BERNADEUTZ TROPHY..................................................Winner....................Gordon Scott

                                                                                          Second...................Alan Lowen

                                                                                          Third.......................John Billot

GHOFAT TROPHY............................................................Winner.....................Peter Fiske

                                                                                          Second....................Vic Collins

                                                                                           Third........................Steve Hudson

The G H O F A T prizes have gone back to where they were DORSET!

Unfortunately winning a trophy triggers a cut in handicap for next year, theses are as follows..

Peter Fiske..................cut 2 shots

Gordon Scott..............cut 2 shots

Alan Booth..................cut 2 shots

Les Vine......................cut 2 shots

Vic Collins..................cut 1 shot

Alan Lowen................cut 1 shot

Bob Blake..................cut 1 shot

Hugh Evans................cut 1 shot

Thank you all for supporting G H O F A T and hope to see you all in 2017.




PS - Click here for some great photos of the weekend

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