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My First GHOFAT Blog Post

So, here we are, mid December, snow all around us here in the East Midlands and little chance of golf in the next week or so.

What to do?

Well, I've been less than enamoured with the original Ghofat site and with this enforced break in activities I thought it would be a good time to tart up the site a bit.

I hope you like it.

If not, or you can suggest improvements, then let me know and I'll see what can be done. I'll be the first to admit I have no artistic bent at all but I'm sure there are budding artists (no, not that type of artist) who can capture our attention with a flourish of the pen or brilliant idea for inclusion in the site.

And this brings me on to the main point of this first blog


So, I'd like to see some input from all our members out there, jokes, stories, photos etc anything you think will lighten our mood (after a disastrous round or two) or give us food for thought - anything goes (you know what I mean) - so EXCITE US.

For a laugh how about sending your own baby photos to me at and I'll put them up for people to guess who they are.


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